
Newborn Baby After Birth(JAPA MAID)

A professional Japa Maid service for a minimum of 60 days is necessary for a new born baby, which Nisha Maid Service & Aya Center is capable of doing.

12/24 Hours Domestic Helper available

Diamonds are worthless! gift your wife A MAID

Elderly Care

Elder care Services at Nisha Maid Service And Aya Centre is dedicated to serve the wishes of elderly and elderly individuals who are not physically able to meeting their regular desires. We agree with in offering the quality clinical help to our elderly customers.

Patient Care

If the patient is unable to walk, sit or do his regular work, then Nisha Maid Service and Aya Center advises him to seek expert nursing care.

Cleaning Service

As a homeowner, one of the most important things you can do is keep your home clean. This not only makes it look good, but it also helps maintain the value of your home and keep it in good condition. Which Nisha Maid Service and Aya Center is capable of.

Cooking service

Cooking, also known as cookery or professionally as cooking, is the art, science and craft of using heat to make food more tasty, digestible, nutritious or safe.


Why Us?


You like the way they look at you. The staff is courteous, efficient and will respond promptly.


I provide special professional maid for various works.

In Time

24 Hours Available


Minimum- 600/- Day par Duty Miximum 1,333/- Day par Duty

Meet The Mentor

मैं हूं अर्जुन कुमार,
मैं ऑल ओवर इंडिया में प्रोफेशनल मेड एंड नर्स प्रोवाइड करता हूं। मेरा लक्ष्य है पूरे भारत देश में न्यूबॉर्न बेबी आफ्टर बर्थ के बाद उनके साथ देखभाल के लिए एक प्रोफेशनल जापा मेड होना बहुत जरूरी है और बुजुर्ग व्यक्तियों, पेशेंट केयर, डॉमेस्टिक हेल्पर सबसे अच्छा प्रोवाइड करूं।
चल पारा हूं यह मिशन लेकर पूरे भारतवर्ष में लोगों को हेल्प करना चाहता हूं। मुझे उम्मीद है कि आप सभी लोगों का निशा मेड सर्विस एंड आया सेंटर भरोसा जीतने में सक्षम है
आपका कीमती वक्त हमारे पेज पर देने के लिए आपको निशा मेड सर्विस एंड आया सेंटर टीम के तरफ से धन्यवाद।

Our Results

Satisfied Customers



Arjun kumar

Arjun kumar

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West Bengal,India


Email Id


+91 8521098663

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